Venodol Roll-on — Long-lasting Chronic Pain Relief
Spotlight Innovation subsidiary Caretta Therapeutics is developing and commercializing products, derived from cobra venom, that have potential analgesic properties for the relief of chronic pain associated with inflammation. Caretta Therapeutics has entered into a licensing agreement with Dr. Paul Reid for rights to develop and commercialize products derived from snake venom that may provide analgesic relief from moderate to severe chronic pain. Under the terms of the agreement, Dr. Reid has agreed to grant an exclusive, worldwide license to Caretta Therapeutics to develop, manufacture and sell the products. The products will be available as over-the-counter formulations.
JULY 10, 2018
Spotlight Innovation Announces Partnership Agreement with At-Risk Youth Organization Hip-Hope
JANUARY 11, 2018
Venodol Roll-on, Spotlight Innovation’s New Analgesic Product, Now Available at
SEPTEMBER 27, 2017
Spotlight Innovation Forms Corporate Partnership with University of Iowa Athletics to Promote New Chronic Pain Relief Product “Venodol”
AUGUST 7, 2017
New Chronic Pain Relief Product “Venodol” Now Available for Pre-order at
JULY 11, 2017
Spotlight Innovation Subsidiary Caretta Therapeutics Engages Public Relations Firm TransMedia Group
JUNE 14, 2017
Spotlight Innovation Subsidiary Caretta Therapeutics Signs Second Venodol API Production Agreement
JANUARY 18, 2017
Spotlight Innovation Subsidiary Caretta Therapeutics Announces Venodol, a New Over-the-counter Product to Treat Chronic Pain