Click the image above to watch Prof. Tang and his team discuss their small molecule screening program
Spotlight Innovation has obtained from the Florida State University Research Foundation exclusive, worldwide rights to develop and commercialize certain compounds for the treatment of viral infections, including Zika virus (ZIKV) infection. Included among the licensed compounds are those identified in a study co-authored by Florida State University Professor Hengli Tang that was published in Nature Medicine on August 29, 2016. The study reported two classes of compounds: one that protects Zika virus-infected neural cells from programmed cell death (“apoptosis”) and another that directly inhibits Zika virus replication. According to the study, when used in combination, compounds from the two classes enhanced the neuroprotective effect. In March 2016, Prof. Tang co-authored a study published in Cell Stem Cell that demonstrated for the first time the ability of ZIKV to target human embryonic cortical neural progenitor cells. Prof. Tang is a member of the Company’s Scientific Advisory Board.
FEBRUARY 15, 2017
Spotlight Innovation Licenses Additional Anti-Zika Virus Compounds
DECEMBER 13, 2016
Spotlight Innovation Obtains Exclusive, Worldwide License from Florida State University Research Foundation to Commercialize Therapeutics for Zika Virus Infection
AUGUST 30, 2016
Spotlight Innovation Research Collaborator Prof. Hengli Tang Publishes Landmark Study in Nature Medicine